Shravasti Meditation at Vajra Dakini Nunnery

H.H. Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang Rinpoche

Welcome to the Vajra Dakini online Shravasti retreat and study program with Khenmo Drolma. Khenmo offers a new and original curriculum designed by H.H. Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche to offer both a strong foundation for meditation that is accessible to everyone and a practice path that opens a life long expansion of wisdom and compassion.

Read about His Holiness’s Vision and the Goals of Shravasti Meditation


Comprehensive: The system is appropriate for both beginners and advanced students as it expands in depth as you mature in understanding. Khenmo will also cover fundamental topics that help you to understand your mind — its confusion and wisdom! The retreats create a rhythm of personal contemplative practice and apply greater compassion and self knowledge to daily life.

Rooted in Tradition: This nonsectarian approach has its roots in the great philosophical understandings of all Buddhist traditions and the Drikung lineage of Tibetan Buddhism that reaches back from teacher to teacher to the Buddha.

Designed for Modern Students: The presentation is in clear, accessible steps with relatable examples of how to incorporate what you are learning into your daily life. You will understand why each step is effective and how you can practice it on your own.

Ven. Khenmo Drolma

Khenmo Drolma has designed a special combination of Dharma talks, retreats, and discussions to introduce learners of all levels of experience to the Shravasti Training. Shravasti Meditation is a nonsectarian, mind-body approach to practice which integrates energy practices from Tibetan yogas, Tai Chi, and Qigong. Each set of talk/retreat/discussion will focus on a key area of understanding our minds and how we can learn to see through confusion; these are paired with somatic learning through the yogic exercises. Over time, the ongoing series will encompass an introduction to the basic tenets of Buddhism, clarifying how mind operates and creates our suffering, combined with an experiential exploration of meditation practice. The framework of the sutra segues naturally into advanced understanding such as Mahamudra or the completion stages of Vajrayana as understanding deepens.

Support Vajra Dakini Nunnery

Vajra Dakini operates soley by donation. Your generosity sustains the lives and works of the nuns of Vajra Dakini Nunnery and our annual donation to Drikung Kagyu Samtenling Nunnery.