Teaching Archive

For all of our recorded teachings, you can visit our YouTube site. We have years of videos organized into playlists based on topic, along with descriptions to let you know whether a playlist should be played sequentially or can be played in any order.

Below, we have a selection of some of the topics covered by Khenmo over many years of teaching.

Current Ongoing Series

Meditation is…?

Khenmo Drolma offers a series of Dharma talks clarifying the foundation of meditation so that we can grow authentically in depth and clarity. Khenmo will reference “How to Meditate” by Ven Pema Chodron and “The Practice of Tranquility and Insight” by Thrangu Rinpoche.

Full Courses

Our full courses can be watched as individual videos, but are best watched sequentially. Each course below has a link to video playlists on YouTube.

Compassion / Tonglen

In this seven-part series, Khenmo Drolma gives an introduction to Tonglen based on Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche’s Text, “Samsara and Nirvana: Two Sides of the Same Hand.”

Six-part discussion of the text Practicing Peace in Times of War by Venerable Pema Chödron (2006) led by Ven. Khenmo Drolma of Vajra Dakini Nunnery.

This is a practical instruction on how to integrate the Dharma into daily Life. This is a series of 38 videos that present a detailed study of the Lojong Slogans.

What is the Vow?
Who should take it?
How often?
From whom?

Loving Kindness

Khenmo Drolma teaches the Drikung Loving Kindness practice from Lord Jigten Sumgön (Part 1). What is Bodhicitta and how does one access the feeling of loving kindness within oneself?

green tara

Green Tara / Healing

Tara embodies the activity of compassion, the protector from contagious diseases and fevers. The Drikung Tara’s profound practice for times of epidemics is a treasure for our times.

Collections of Individual Lessons

These YouTube playlists bring together separate teachings and talks around one theme. They can be watched individually in any order. 

Strong Emotions​

We think our enemy is outside of us, but it is our reactive mind that causes us the most pain. Our true “enemy,” the arising of anger and confusion, is also the source of our wisdom.

Women in Buddhism

Vajra Dakini Nunnery hosts celebrations of Buddha’s special relationship with his mother and aunt–who was one of the great teachers in the Sangha–and of the wisdom of the early nuns.

A series of videos from and about the gathering of Mahayana Buddhist nuns at The Great Temple at Shravasti in Shravasti, Uttar Pradesh, India for the half-Varsa 2023.

More Course Playlists

Here are links to other Courses:

Great Masters Commentaries on Lojong: Series of seven videos as a companion to the Lojong (Mind Training Course)

Eliminating Future Adversities: Another three-video companion to the Lojong (Mind Training) Course

Ecosattvas: Three individual videos on caring for our Earth

Key Topics in Meditation: Series of two videos that lay a foundation for the Clarifying Meditation Series

Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment, and Death: Single video about the Buddha

Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Audio)​

A ten-part (audio only) course explores Shantideva’s classic “The Way of the Bodhisattva.” Each class covers one chapter. We are using the text “A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life” translated by the Padmakara team and published by Shambhala.

Khenmo Drolma has studied this text many times–at the Gampo Abbey Shedra with Pema Chödrön and Karl Brunnholzl, at the Tibetan Library of Works and Archive with Geshe Sonam Rinchen, and individual chapters and verses with many teachers. 

In the Buddhist tradition, the spiritual teachings are offered for everyone’s benefit without charge. The concept of dana, or reciprocity and generosity, is “practiced” by everyone to support the Sangha and nunnery”s activities. You can support Vajra Dakini and Khenmo with donations of any amount here.

The talks are on individual chapters. Click on the title to access the audio.

  1. The Excellence of Bodhicitta: Khenmo introduces the text and, with the exquisite poetry of Shantideva, the significance of developing a kind open compassionate heart.
  2. Offerings and Confession: Includes the perfection of offering and transparency with oneself.
  3. Taking Hold of Bodhicitta: The bodhisattva commitment of fearless compassion until all beings are released from suffering.
  4. Mindful Awareness: Khenmo contemplates Nelson Mandela’s life and uses his quotes to illustrate the practical application of Shantideva’s wisdom.
  5. Mindfulness and Vigilance: The importance of maintaining inner awareness and how to put it into practice in daily life.
  6. Patience: Using our hardest moments to heal our wounds, come to forgive our enemies, and handle our own extreme emotions. Khenmo uses Martin Luther King and his writings as an example of Bodhisattva activity.
  7. Diligence: How to increase our capacity to benefit others. This class will focus on the meaning of mastery and the joy of practice propelling our efforts.
  8. Meditative Concentration: The most profound and detailed instructions for compassion training in relative bodhicitta ever written. 
  9. Concentration part two and Dedication Chapter: Classic trainings in compassion of equalizing self and others and exchanging self and others–instructions that have been used in every text ever since.
  10. Wisdom: Khenpo Choephel introduces the wisdom of relative and absolute bodhicitta.

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