
“In silent retreat, Dharma becomes a lived experience and insights take root in the confidence of our own direct experience.” —Khenmo Drolma
Several times a year, we offer silent retreats online. Each retreat builds new practice skills and supports confidence in direct experiential understanding.
When the world health situation allows, we look forward to returning to residential retreats.
Khenmo Drolma, trained personally by H.H. Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche, teaches the Shravasti curriculum extensively along with retreats on other subjects. This system for 21st-century practitioners integrates traditional meditation and somatic learning. Buddhist fundamentals of Calm Abiding and Insight meditation are explored with commentary from Kagyu Masters for continuing students to deepen their practice. Tibetan yogic exercises, Tai chi, and Qigong are seamlessly integrated with Mindfulness of Body and inner channel work of Vajrayana.
Read about the Vision and Goals of Shravasti Meditation
What to Expect on Retreat
During the retreat, Khenmo gives an introduction to each session with an overall focus on a specific Dharma topic or meditation training. With the Shravasti curriculum, retreatants work with training videos of H.H. Drikung Kyabgön teaching the Six Yogas with detailed, subtle instructions.
Traditionally, retreats begin at sunset and conclude in the early morning. We combine Dharma talks and sitting meditation. In between, we encourage silence and a social media fast. The last session will incorporate a time for questions. At any time, you can put questions about the meditation instructions into the chat box and Khenmo will incorporate them into the Dharma talk. In this way, you can relax your discursive mind during the retreat.
It’s always good to do a thorough cleaning of your meditation area ahead of time and set up a small altar – perhaps a photo or candle. This will create suitable conditions for relaxed contemplation. The retreat will be conducted in silence or limited functional talking. If you share a space, you will want to gently inform your family, friends, and co-workers that for this short period of time, you are unavailable. During free time, you are encouraged to walk outside if you can. During retreat you are setting aside news and entertainment including social media; perhaps select one relevant book to enhance your understanding of the retreat’s topic between meditation sessions.
Ongoing Shravasti Practice with Sangha: After your first Shravasti Retreat, you are welcome to join a weekly Shravasti practice Friday mornings 6:30 – 8:30 AM Eastern.
Comprehensive: Khenmo offers retreat instruction appropriate for beginners and advanced students. With repetition, your practice expands in depth as you mature in understanding. Khenmo covers fundamental topics that help you to understand your mind — it’s confusion and wisdom! The presentations then segues into the how these basic instructions carry levels of deeper meaning.
Rooted in Tradition: The Shravasti Curriculum has its roots in the great philosophical understandings of all Buddhist traditions and the Drikung lineage of Tibetan Buddhism that reaches back from teacher to teacher to the Buddha.
Designed for Modern Students: Khenmo presents meditation in clear, accessible steps with relatable examples of how to incorporate what you are learning into your daily life. You will understand why each step is effective and how you can practice it on your own.
Thank You For Your Support
While the teachings are offered freely, participants are invited to offer “dana,”
an ancient Pali word, meaning generosity, giving, or gift.